Here you will find the answers to the most common questions, however if you have any other questions please feel free to use the form on the "About Me" page.

1.  How will my design files be delivered?

All design files are delivered via instant download in a zip file.  Every zip file includes the instruction pdf plus a folder for each of the most common design formats.

2.  How do I access my purchased designs?

Once you purchase a design, right after you click "complete order" you will see a button on the screen "download my purchases" - you can click there to go straight to your most recent purchase.  You will also receive an emailed link to your purchase in case you closed your browser.  And you can always pop into your account, if you set one up, to download your designs.

3.  Can I re-download designs I purchased in the past?

Most definitely, anytime you need to.  The system defaults to 10 downloads per purchase but if you ever run into difficulty just shoot me an email and I will reset the downloads so you can continue to download.

4.  Do I need an account to purchase designs?

No account is necessary.  The only benefit of an account is that it stores all of your purchases so that you can pop in anytime to redownload them or to verify if you've purchased something in the past.

5.  How can I pay for designs?

You can use paypal (even if you don't have a paypal account) or you can pay by Visa, Mastercard or American Express.

6.  Where does my credit card information go?

When you make a purchase at StitchSoup with your credit card, you will notice in the address bar the http:// turns into https://  the "s" signifies that you are now on a secure server and there is a picture of a lock so you can be confident the information you enter is secure.  Shopify and Paypal process payments (Shopify merchants never see credit card information).

7.  I made a duplicate purchase by mistake, what do I do?

Unfortunately duplicate purchases can happen - StitchSoup uses the Shopify Platform which is most often used for physical items where people purchase multiples of a single item so there is no option to prevent duplicate purchases from going through.  However do not worry - if you make a duplicate purchase by mistake just send me a message and I will refund the money or you can select another design and I'll drop it into your account to compensate you for the duplicate purchase.

8.  Can I sell items that I make using StitchSoup designs?

Most definitely!  All efforts are made with StitchSoup designs to ensure they stitch professionally and efficiently.  There is a design category called "Quick Stitch Craft Fair" which includes designs that are completed in a single hooping with minimal assembly so that multiples can be created easily for sale at craft fairs.  There is no need to credit StitchSoup - your customers are purchasing products created by you, the credit is all yours.

Please respect the hard work, talent, creativity and ingenuity of crafters and artists and do not share (or sell, or lend, or trade, or gift, or otherwise distribute) the digital design files.

9.  What formats do the designs come in?

All design packages include PES, DST, EXP, JEF and either VP3 or HUS - if you require a different format you can send me a message and I'll convert the designs for you.

10.  How do I subscribe to the StitchSoup newsletter?

At the very bottom of the StitchSoup home page is a small sign-up box with an orange arrow - just add your email and you'll be all set.  Generally StitchSoup newsletters get sent out once a month, occasionally two times in a month if there is something particularly exciting going on.  Also please note that we will never sell email addresses nor send out spam or drown you in daily emails - we don't like these things so assume our customers don't either.

12.  Do in the hoop projects come with instructions?

Yes, all StitchSoup designs, even if it is a simple applique, come with detailed photo instructions in pdf format.  Many also come with tips and tricks and ideas to further embellish your projects.  Click here to see some screenshots of StitchSoup instructions.

13.  Can I 'Frankenstein' designs?

Absolutely - feel free to add your own creative touch to StitchSoup designs, combine with other designs, add bits, remove bits, and have fun adding your own stamp to your creations! (just don't use StitchSoup designs as a basis to create new digital designs for sale).

14.  Where do I find information on a designs stitchcount, number of hoopings, or specialty materials required?

All that information is included in the description of each design and/or in the photo's of the design - in the case of these important details, we don't like surprises :-) If any information is missing, please send a message and we'll make sure to add it to the description.